Prevent Damage To Your Home Or Property
From Faulty Sump Pumps, Hot Water Heaters,Condensate Drains, Sewer Drain Backups, Etc.

Alarm With Sump Pump |
Choose Your Type Of Flood Protection
To our Canadian friends, there are extra Canadian fees imposed upon delivery.
Water Alarms
An ideal alarm for many applications, sump pump failures, sewer back-ups, rain water infiltration etc.
Phone Alerts
Alert neighbors or friends when water or freezing problems occur.
Power Failer Alarm
Power Failure Alarm with Safety Light
Home Intrusion Alarms
Warning Alarms For Home, Cabin or RV
Electrical Detectors
Easy-to-use transmitter and receiver identifies 90-280VAC breakers
and fuses powering electrical circuits with digital accuracy. Finds the right breaker every time.