Sump Pumps
Lifetime of sump pumps vary between 5 and 10 years depending on usage. Along with
a water alarm keep a spare sump pump with necessary piping for those unexpected emergencies.
Hot Water Heaters
Hot water heaters typically last 10 to 12 years. An alarm next
to a heater can alert you. Know were you shut-off valve to your water heater is. The feed valve or cold inlet
is on the right side of the heater.
Air Conditioning Equipment and Heaters
Condensation drains and pans can leak water in the summer and humidifer drains in winter.
The water alarm can warn you of flooding and you will be able to turn off system before damage can occur.
Sewer and Plumbing Backups
Sewer drains and bathroom in basements can become obstructed.
Advanced warning can prevent raw sewage from destroying your property. Install water detector alarms under toilets and
sinks etc.
Washing Machine Backups
Washing machine drains can backup with lint and flood especially washing machines installed
on second floors. Install water alarms for advance warning.
Rain Water Infiltration
Make sure rain gutters and downspouts are clean and ground around house is slopping away
from house walls. Install water detector alarms near areas water comes in.